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ThailandxdubaixThailand statue statues cr religiousstatue parksculpture pond lake man sleeping wood people cats pillow hotelroomroom bed sleep monks shop road savanna trees fruit juice ice cream sea rose spiritual building buddha lord pilgrimage starvingstatue and sculpture artskeleton mystic old grassfield funny many faceslord cr statue fishes scary walkingoutdoor snake statuegarden personbeautiful model
ThailandxdubaixThailand statue statues cr religiousstatue parksculpture pond lake man sleeping wood people cats pillow hotelroomroom bed sleep monks shop road savanna trees fruit juice ice cream sea rose spiritual building buddha lord pilgrimage starvingstatue and sculpture artskeleton mystic old grassfield funny many faceslord cr statue fishes scary walkingoutdoor snake statuegarden personbeautiful model